Database disk image is malformed error
Whenever i try to create a subdomain, i get the following error: Move the corrupted SQLlite database: Run the cPanel bandwidthdb regenerate scripts in background: Then, the scripts is finished, run again:
Whenever i try to create a subdomain, i get the following error: Move the corrupted SQLlite database: Run the cPanel bandwidthdb regenerate scripts in background: Then, the scripts is finished, run again:
Occasionally, Webmail users (Horde or Roundcube) on cPanel server may see the following error: Server Error: UID SORT: Internal error occurred. Inbox may not load at all. It’s a permission issue which can be fixed by following command via Shell …
Server Error: UID SORT: Internal error occurred. Read More »
By default, PureFTP server on cPanel has a limit on a number of files displayed through an ftp client. It is usualy 10000, if you need more files displayed follow this quick tutorial. Ftp is easy to configure on a …
How to Change Recursion Limit (File Limit List) in PureFTPd on cPanel Read More »
I believe that I have fixed the problem on my own, but it may still be a bug with cPanel. I found the following file: Deleting this file fixed the problem immediately. I’m guessing that the system should have deleted …